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Call Today (706) 765 7087
Conceived in France, born in America. We create bridges between cultures.
We catered more than 150 tv show/movie sets with outstanding reviews from cast and crews (we have the proof! :) )
*We can serve more than 120 crepes per hour, your cast and crew don't wait for their food
*Savory, sweet we bring our full menu for the crepes if you need.
*We are French and went to a crepe school in France, you will have the most authentic experience on set oui oui!
10% of our proceed are donated to Safety For Sarah
Special Cast and Crew 12$ per guest, unlimited menu for two hours

Hiring us for your cast and crew means:

10% of all our productions incomes are donated to Safety for Sarah
We donated $8000 since 2021 thanks to you.
Business is not business, it is human beings first.

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